A big thank-you to everyone who attended our recent Scotland meet-up/mini-tournament in Edinburgh! We were all very impressed with the venue, and we’re hoping to put on another event there sometime soon(ish) – please join our Discord server and keep an eye on the #scotland channel if you’re interested in attending!
Congratulations to our winner Sunny, runner-up Tim and third-place finisher mikatubi!
We now have a provisional schedule for CTWC UK 2024 and CTUK Game Boy!
We now have all 32 qualification slots booked; we’re intending to run the tournament as a maximum 32-player flat bracket, however we are aware that there may be more people wishing to book a qual slot (including people who may just turn up on the day). So, we are considering opening up an extra hour-long slot, if there is demand for it – just be aware that this slot might slightly overlap with the Game Boy tournament. Also, if we do expand the qual slots beyond 32 players, it will mean that anyone who has already booked a qual slot will not necessarily be guaranteed a spot in the 32-bracket tournament.
Just as a reminder, people wishing to come and be part of the audience don’t need to pay any entry fee, and also the Game Boy tournament on Saturday will be completely free to enter – the quals for this will be running at the same time as the NES quals, but you don’t need to book a slot, you can just turn up and have a go! The Game Boy tournament will be run as a 16-player bracket, and will be played on the link cable 2-player mode.
Also on Saturday, we are planning some fun surprise side events after the GB tournament – more info to come soon!
(The times on the schedule are estimates and possibly subject to change; we shall do our best to inform everyone of any changes as and when they might happen!)
P.S. if you’ve already booked a slot but haven’t yet completed your player sign-up form, it would be a great help if you could do so!https://bit.ly/ctwcuk2024-sign-up
Booking a qual slot is necessary this year if you want to qual for the NES tournament (entry to the tournament and to qual for the Game Boy tournament will still be free)
£20 per 1 hour qual slot
Please only book 1 slot per person!
Stations 1 to 4 will be streamed/recorded, and onstage
Stations 5 to 8 will NOT be streamed/recorded, and will be on ground level (although we’ll do our best to create space around these stations to minimise distractions from people walking past, etc.)
If you have a strong preference for the type of station you want to qualify on, then please double-check your selection before finalising your booking
If you need any help, please just contact the team on the CTUK Discord or at: classictetrisuk@gmail.com
Also, don’t forget to fill in the player sign-up form here (thanks everyone who’s already done it!): https://bit.ly/ctwcuk2024-sign-up
We are very excited to anonunce the dates for this year’s Classic Tetris UK tournament – CTWC UK 2024 will be held once again at the fantastic 1UP (Didsbury, Manchester)on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th August!
We will have further details coming soon but for now, stick the dates in your diary and we hope to see you there!
Rental stations for CTWC 2023 are now ready to be booked at this page:
[bookings are now closed]
please only book one slot per person!
slots open at 12:30pm and run for 1 hour each, with 10 mins changeover time
slots are £18 each apart from slots beginning 7:30pm, which are £10 each (this is because these slots will run at the same time as CTUK GB and so there’ll be a bit of extra background distraction!)
With exactly a month to go now until CTWC UK 2023, we have put together a provisional schedule for the tournament (see below!).
As with last year, we’re going to go with a 24-player bracket. In an exciting new addition, we are also planning to host the very first CTUK Game Boy Tetris tournament! This will run alongside the main event on qualifying day (Saturday) and will be made up of a bracket of 8 players.
After last year’s overwhelming success, we thought you guys might like some more, so here it is. This year’s championship will be in Manchester! 1UP in Didsbury to be precise. An awesome gaming bar in a lively part of town with retro consoles, pinball, arcade cabinets, ping pong and much more.
CTWC UK 2022 is now over, and what a weekend it was!
Congratulations to our champion DanV for winning CTWC UK 2022! (and retaining his UK champ status from last year’s online CTWC UK + IRL tournament). Commiserations to our runner up SV who put up a great fight, bringing it to a decider (also congrats to SV for a jaw-dropping 21 maxouts on qualifying day!)
Thanks also to our amazing commentary team! In particular to Jakub and Bill, for pretty much carrying the commentary as well as doing some of the tournament announcements.
Other legends in the commentary booth: BV, PISSARSE, DanV, 666_Tim, MrShadow and Archina.
Last but not least, a big thank you to our venue, Gemini Games, for being such a marvellous host!
We’ll be adding lots of photos to the website soon, so keep an eye out for those. In the meantime, from all of the CTUK team, thanks once again to everyone for coming, and we hope to see you all at the next one!