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Rental station booking

Bookings for CTWC UK 2022 qualifying rental stations will go live on our website today from 18:00pm UK time!

Each rental station time-slot is 1 hour in length and costs £12, and each person can only book one time-slot. Qualifying will run throughout the day on Sat 10 September, from 10:30am to 21:30pm.

(Remember that if you are unable to book a rental station, we will also have an open queuing system on the day for qualifying at free stations).

CTWC UK 2022 – further information

As we approach our forthcoming event (just shy of 6 weeks to go!) we will be dropping some more detailed information for the weekend of the tournament.

We’ve been working behind the curtain to gather as much information and get said information locked down, yet we’ve had a massive spanner thrown in the works. On the 22nd July we received a message from our originally planned venue Geek Retreat Huddersfield to tell us that they were closing down and that they would no longer be able to accommodate our event. However, we can now happily announce that we have moved the event a short distance over to the very accommodating Gemini Games in Huddersfield! This venue is very close to our original planned location and also a lot bigger!

We apologise for the delay in updating you about the event. Due to the change in venue we’ve had to re-consider various details which has caused our release to be far slower than we’d hoped yet we are still working on sorting this out as soon as possible. We can however update you on the following:

For qualifying there will be a standard queuing system. We’ve had a few questions about rental stations for qualifying. We can confirm that there will be rental stations available to book.

  • We will initially have 4 stations (this may change depending on demand).
  • You will be able to book one slot for one hour (£12), and there will be a 15 minute buffer period between starting times. So for example, the first 4 slots will begin at 10:30 am, the next 4 will begin at 11:45 am.
  • The time slots will be open for booking here on our website from 18:00 pm on Thursday 1st of September
  • Qualifying will run all day on Saturday 10th September and the tournament itself will run all day Sunday 11th September – exact times will be confirmed in the upcoming week.

We’re also excited to announce that we are now officially a CTWC qualifier event! The winner of this tournament shall be given free entry into this year’s Classic Tetris World Championship!

Thanks a ton for your patience and prepare for the stacking because this block train is NOT stopping!

CTWC UK 2022 – dates announced!

Dates: Sat 10 – Sun 11 September 2022

We at Classic Tetris UK are very excited to announce that, at long last, we shall finally be making a return to live tournaments! After over 3 years since the last live tournament, CTUK will soon be occurring in person once again!

Whilst it is our intention to hold both a PAL and NTSC tournament every year going forwards, due to popular demand the upcoming tournament shall be on the NTSC version of NES Tetris

So, it is our pleasure to announce to everyone that CTWC UK 2022 will be occurring on the weekend of 10-11 September 2022! More details including location coming soon…