CTWC UK 2022 is now over, and what a weekend it was!
Congratulations to our champion DanV for winning CTWC UK 2022! (and retaining his UK champ status from last year’s online CTWC UK + IRL tournament). Commiserations to our runner up SV who put up a great fight, bringing it to a decider (also congrats to SV for a jaw-dropping 21 maxouts on qualifying day!)
Thanks also to our amazing commentary team! In particular to Jakub and Bill, for pretty much carrying the commentary as well as doing some of the tournament announcements.
Other legends in the commentary booth: BV, PISSARSE, DanV, 666_Tim, MrShadow and Archina.
Last but not least, a big thank you to our venue, Gemini Games, for being such a marvellous host!
We’ll be adding lots of photos to the website soon, so keep an eye out for those. In the meantime, from all of the CTUK team, thanks once again to everyone for coming, and we hope to see you all at the next one!
CTUK Team: